SmartSet Technology

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Smartset Technology

Daylight Savings Time Updates

Congress recently passed a new Energy Bill which includes a provision to extend Daylight Saving Time.  At the beginning of 2007, Daylight Saving time will begin on the second Sunday in March and end on the first Sunday in November.  Because of this change your SmartSet® Clock or Clock Radio will need to be updated.

  1. Locate your Model Number
    You can find your model number on the back or bottom of your unit.
  2. Locate your Serial Number
    You can find your serial number on the back or bottom of your unit.
  3. Identify Your Product Group
    Group identification begins with your serial number.

The first three to four digits of the serial number represent the year and month of manufacture. 
- If your serial number begins with 607, would indicate July 2006.
- If your serial number begins with 506 would indicate June 2005.

  • Models manufactured before January 2006 belong to Group One.
    Serial numbers beginning with 506, 512, etc. will have their Time Zone adjusted.
  • Models manufactured between January 2006 and July 2006 belong to Group Two.
    Serial numbers beginning with 601, 603, etc. adjusts for the Spring and Fall settings
  • Models manufactured after July 2006 do not require any changes.
    Serial numbers beginning with 608, 609, etc.

Select your Product Group:

Group One Group 2

If you cannot determine which Group your model may be in, please call us at 1.800.909.9020.

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